Saturday, October 18, 2008

Signs of Hope?

From the National 40 days for Life Blog:
Does God still offer signs and wonders in our present day? Some people say He doesn’t do that sort of thing any more. Or does He?
In January, David Bereit posted a short video on YouTube that I had taken during the March for Life in Washington, DC It was a cloudy day… until the very end of the march when the sun came out and a rainbow appeared over the Supreme Court building. I — and many others in attendance —saw this rainbow as a sign of hope that God was watching over and blessing our efforts.
This Fall, John and his family, who were driving through a pouring rain to pray at an abortion facility in Methuen, Massachusetts. When they got to the abortion center, the rain stopped — and a rainbow appeared.
Would you believe we now have two more rainbow reports from 40 Days for Life vigils? In Southfield, Michigan, Bishop John Quinn was going to join the 40 Days for Life team for a rally. When the bishop arrived about 15 minutes before the start of the event, it was pouring.
“We brought an umbrella over to him but he said that the Lord would stop the rain for us,” “Sure enough, five minutes prior to start time the rain cleared up and a huge rainbow came out — a sure sign from God.”
In Birmingham, Alabama prayer team had a particularly rough day recently. “We were present at Planned Parenthood while so many children were being aborted,” she said, “while the Planned Parenthood employees laughed and mocked our people.” She said the team really struggled under a very oppressive weight all day.
The next day, Ed — another member of prayer team — saw something that restored his hope. “It was a beautiful rainbow. After feeling so overwhelmed the previous day and praying almost constantly for hope and an increase of peace, this beautiful rainbow showed me the way home.”

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