Saturday, November 1, 2008

If you Prticipated in Scranton 40 days for Life......

If you participated in Scranton's 40 days for Life Campaign adn your namd ans hours do not appear here please contact lifeissues@hotmail.comor to report your hours. We would like to have as complete a picture as possible of those who participated and cannot do so without everyone reporting in. Thanks. Sue Cirba

Saturday (October 4)

1 p.m. 9 people Jimmy P, Terri S, Kathleen (from Hawley) Betty R, Dori L, Trudy from the Raphael group; Mary Ann from St. Raphael group; Cathy M and Theresa B

Monday, October 6

Noontime – 12:35 p.m. Donna

4:45 p.m.- 5"35 Fr. Denis Gordon, FSSP from St. Michael’s Church, with Joan W at 5:15 p.m. Tara R, Nancy D, Dora F. and Sonna D.

Tuesday, October 7
Gretchen O. and St. Raphael’s Group

Wed, October 8
Noon - Nancy, Mary Grace, Joe C, Gerri (till 1 p.m.)
12:30 Donna D., joined Jim P.
12:45 Theresa
4:25 p.m. Jerry G, Barbara W for about an hour.
5:15 p.m. I saw a group of about 6 (looked like Our Lady of Abington prayer group).
Mr. Edward D told me he prays before 8 a.m. Daily Mass at the site.

Week Two
October 9, 2008
12 Noon Nancy and Mary Alice and Barbara B and elderly man.
12:30 Donna D. till 1 p.m.
12:45 Jim, Laura, Jennifer, Barbara

Note: I was told by Nancy that there were 2 women who arrived from Hazleton; prayed in the car, and then joined Nancy & Mary Alice
(she didn’t catch their names. They told her that they arrived about 11:40 and asked mailman where they pray he directed them to the site.)

Fri.Oct. 10,
1-2pm Mary Ann R. and children, and members of Catholic Homeschoolers of Northeast PA.about 30

Sat. Oct. 11
12 - Sue C.
America Needs Fatima Rosary which will meet at 1:00 at Cathedral Prayer Garden, walk and pray outside of PP then proceed around the block.