Friday, September 26, 2008

Sidewalk Story from Day 3 of the National Campaign

Jennifer reports seeing a woman leaving the abortion center crying hysterically. She learned the woman was five months pregnant “and they injected the heart of her baby with a medication to make it die.” She has to return tomorrow to complete the abortion. “She asked for a priest, but a man came and yanked her away before my mom and her friend could get her to a priest. Her name is April. I hope someone will be there when she comes back. Please pray for her.”

Please pray, indeed, and please participate in a peaceful vigil at an abortion facility whenever you can. You may never know how much of a difference you can make —even if your presence cannot prevent an abortion. Just being there could be the key to someone’s healing and salvation.

We can no longer sit idly by while the abortion industry continues to abuse women and their unborn children! Join our local prayer team, e-mail to schedule a time to pray.

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