Tuesday, March 4, 2008

40 Days for Life Days 19, 20, 21 - Pray for These Courageous Legislators

40 Days for Life: "CONGRATULATIONS to Virginia State Sen. Ken Cuccinelli who took a leap of faith to introduce an amendment to strip tax funding from abortion giant Planned Parenthood in his state.
Wednesday’s vote was tied at 20 to 20 before Lt. Governor Bill Bolling cast the tie-breaking vote in favor of the amendment!
The final state budget will be decided over the next week, and it is very likely that the Planned Parenthood amendment will now be part of the budget negotiations.
We’re all quick to complain when things go wrong in our culture. Now let’s send a resounding thank you to Sen. Cuccinelli and Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling for taking such a bold “leap.”
No matter where in the country you live, this action is a big boost for the fight against Planned Parenthood. Please e-mail these men and congratulate them for their courage:
SEN. KEN CUCCINELLI: district37@sov.state.va.us
LT. GOVERNOR BILL BOLLING: bill.bolling@ltgov.virginia.gov"

Vigil Day 19 - Sun. Feb. 24
We do not schedule hours on Sunday.

Vigil Day 20 - Mon. Feb. 25
Pledge for Jim and Mary Ann - Sat.March 1 - 10 am
12:30-1:30 Gerri and Donna

Vigil Day 21 - Tues. Feb. 26
11:00 - 12:00 Sue and Barbara
12:30- 1:30 - Donna and Father Ed

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