Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Scranton's First Day of Prayer Vigil and Gary Bauer article about Planned Parenthood

Prayer Vigil Calendar - Feb. 6
1:00 to 2:00 - A group of about 8 people
2:40 to 4:00 - A husband and wife

A Mass to pray for the success of Scranton's 40 Days for Life Campaign will be held at St. Peter's Cathedral, Thursday, Feb. 7 at 7:00 p.m. All are invited to attend.

If anyone else was present at another time please e-mail and I will add to the calendar.

Little things add up. I try every day to do one thing to promote 40 Days for Life and that is the philosophy that originally attracted me to this campaign. Please make your prayer pledge and try to tell one new person about 40 days for life. For more information, you can go to the National Campaign website We are one of 61 cities participating in the Lenten campaign.

Prayer Pledges have been received from:
S for 11 to 12 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
A husband and wife for 3 to 4 every Wednesday
Thank you.

Learn More about Planned Parenthood:
I want to share with you informaion about Planned Parenthoodin this section. Today there is an article by Gary Bauer about Planned Parenthood's campaign contributions to political candidates:

"What does Planned Parenthood do when it’s not destroying unborn babies? It raises money to help elect politicians who will pass laws that will make it easier for Planned Parenthood to kill babies. Planned Parenthood is already raking in record amounts of taxpayer-funded subsidies (over $305 million in 2006) and record-high revenues (close to $900 million in 2006)." Article continues here:
Election Could Undermine Gains Pro-Life Movement's Made on Abortion:

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